My little blog

Some thoughts that I have from time to time:

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Sometimes VH1 can be damaging. Last night after getting home from my weird math/dance class I came in plopped down on my couch turned on the tv for some mindless relief and what did I come across?
Greatest teen stars 1-100.
Normally the countdown type shows do not attract my attention...this one though kept me hooked for the entire show. It's like a walk down memory lane mixed with a bit of "where are they now". I was entranced and very happy to have stumbled on this pop culture history lesson...
That was until they got to Chad Allen.
Chad Allen...the crush of my childhood. I had his pictures taped up all over my walls, I think I wrote in my poochie diary quoting Miss Judy Jetson that he was "the spaciest".
Who could resist that blonde haired, blue eyed fast talker with a mug like a prince?
Not I. I mean look at him.

So what happened to this stud?
Well, he showed up on Vh1 and as soon as I saw him on the countdown I geared up with such anticipation to find out where my love was and what he had been up to.
Then they said it...
Chad Allen is gay now, and can't get any work so he runs a small theater in LA.
They said this.
He said this...he actually says "I came out, and there was no more work, so now I run a small theater in L.A."
He's gay.
I mean good for him for coming out and being proud. But back to me...
I spent a majority of my childhood loving a gay teen heart throb. I am scared to go back to that show to find out that there may be more of these instances than my psyche can handle.
I mean seriously...Chad Allen is Gay.
I might as well get the bird flu, cause nothing matters anymore.


At 11:45 AM, Blogger Glennis McMurray said...

Chad! No! Chad! Noooooo!

Also, read this article with Kirk "Candid" Cameron.

At 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But Amanda, if he wasn't gay and you married him as a grown up, you'd be Amanda Allen and that would throw anyone interested in the proper spelling of your name for a loop. Thank GOD you and Penelope Cruz are safe from these homosexual homonyms threats.

At 6:09 PM, Blogger Kristina said...

You know what's worse?

Finding out a friend of a friend had repeated sexual encounters with your penultimate celebrity crush of all time and he's a premature ejaculator.

Part of me died that day.

At 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually I'm not sure where that quote came from but Chad's far from out of work! Check out the site you stole the Advocate Magazine cover photo from and you'll see he's extremely busy.

He just had a major motion picture released in January, was on CBS's Criminal Minds last week, is about to start shooting the second in a series of detective movies and later this spring will shoot another movie with Who's the Boss's Judith Light for the production company he helped to start.


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