My little blog

Some thoughts that I have from time to time:

Monday, February 06, 2006

I don't like it when guys have long fingernails.
I'm not very judgemental on things...but for some reason when I see a guy with long fingernails it's all I can concentrate on.
I think things like:
"Why do you like your nails like that?"
"Why don't you trim them?"
"Doesn't your girlfriend HATE that too?"
"Is that a coke nail?"
"Are you a monster?"
"Do you do the joust in the Renaissance Fair?"
Cause I always assume that they must have an excuse for not trimming their nails. I don't know why, but it always happens.
Basically, if you have long nails and you are a dude, don't let me see them while you are talking to me cause I will zone out and create a weird "alter-life" that you lead where you are cokehead dracula who jousts in upstate new york.


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