My little blog

Some thoughts that I have from time to time:

Thursday, January 26, 2006

I auditioned to be the voice of Sean John (a.k. P. Diddy) male perfume. Which is funny cause I wouldn't think my voice would be the voice of his royal highness' latest money making endeavor.
To make matters worse when my agent handed me the copy to read she said that P. Diddy attached his own direction to the copy, which of course was
"Yo, you need to be sexy".
So she tells me this and then we get into the booth.
I was midly obsessed with Making the Band 3 for a second of my life and I know what Sean John thinks is sexy...I don't think I'm it.
So I stood in there and tried to sound like a sexpot to the best of my vocal abilities.
I would put money on the fact that I'm not booking that job.
But while reading the spot I thought about how I used to love to make fun of those girls and their issues with being sexy for the diddy...but now I got it...I could understand their pain. It's hard to try and be sexy for the diddy.

Or as I like to call it "diddy-sexy".


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