My little blog

Some thoughts that I have from time to time:

Monday, February 20, 2006

The other day I was outside taking advantage of the 10 min. break in the middle of one of the more boring of my classes this semester. One of the girls that I have befriended was outside and we were discussing the mean girl in the class.
I'm sorry, I mean the "miss know it all" in my class.
Well, my new buddy turns to me and says...
"Wanna know why she's so Orange?" and I say sure..she says
"cause she tan's in my tanning salon ALL the time". Then her eyes got really big and she said..
"Better yet I bet you can't even gues how OLD she is!"
I stopped unsure of what to say in response to this...was she implying that little miss know it all was an old lady? Cause when compared to my age, I would say I may beat her...or was she implying that she's a young girl who seems older. Such a tricky question.
So I say "I'm bad with these old?"
She whispers "24". Like it's cancer.
I stop and look at her, take a breath then say
"wow. She sure does act like she knows everything, I mean I'm almost 27 and I don't know any of that stuff".
The girl got silent...looked at me and then screamed
"OH MY GOD, YOU TOTALLY LOOK LIKE YOU ARE 20!!! oh. I totally mean that as a compliment."
We both smiled that wierd smile and I walked in thinking...
"Am I turning into one of those older ladies who dresses too young for her age?"
Today...I bought three pairs of sexy 27 year old lady heels.


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