So I did it. Wish me luck.
I submitted a spec script to the Nickelodeon Writer's Fellowship Program. Which is a writing program where you work for a year at Nickelodeon writing for their animated series. It gives you the chance to learn all the how to's of writing for cartoons. My chances are slim to none that anything will come of it...but that's fine with me.
I'm just really happy that I did it. I saw the website a while ago and thought about it for months (thought about it means "I should do that") but never did anything to really begin a submission.
Then last week I saw that the deadline was approaching fast and in that time I wrote an entire spec script/admission packet and sent it off.
I work best when it comes to last min deadlines, so maybe my sub-conscious was looking out for me.
I had a fun time writing the script and feel proud that I did something that originally was a hypothetical "I'd like to do that".
It's a beautiful feeling to stretch yourself in ways you aren't used to. I recommend it to everyone.