My little blog

Some thoughts that I have from time to time:

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

This past Sunday Caton was bitten by my cat Ralphie. We thought he would be fine and cleaned up the bite, put a band aid on it and went to bed. The next day his arm was all swollen and he had red tracks running down his arm! Being the NY'ers we are we went to work planning to go to the ER later that evening.
When we got there they told us he would have to stay for a couple days! Apparently cat bites are very infectious and it was spreading into his blood stream! He's doing better and will hopefully get to come home tonight.
Lesson: If you are bitten by a cat go to the DR as soon as you can.
The following video is dedicated to Caton, who will without a doubt relate after this past week.


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