My little blog

Some thoughts that I have from time to time:

Monday, October 22, 2007

We just got fancy new Coffee machines here at work and of course I am excited about them! (perhaps I am a little too excited!!!)
But even more fascinating was the discovery of the coffee mug cabinet!
Here at work they have cabinets filled with awesome mugs from the past. Last week I was happy to find the "I'm 60 and loving it"! You'd better believe I toted that bad boy all over the office!
Today I found the greatest mug I have ever seen:

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I have an "awesome corner" on my desk at work which is the corner of my desk where awesome things live (obviously).
Since I've started working here I have accumulated:
My water bottle,
My stuffed gizmo doll,
and My brand new lawn flamingos Harriett, Harry, and Macneil.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Today I received an email from a what I would assume would be a teenager in the middle of a fight with one of her friends. It was sent to me by accident.
At first I didn't know what to do, so I eventually read the email (forgive me for being so nosey) and then I found myself thanking god that I wasn't a teenager anymore. Man those kids have so much drama to deal with.
I won't post the email here as it wasn't publicly meant to be seen, but I will post my favorite quote:
"I think bc of this fight if we both died tomorrow we would not go to heaven bc we both have not forgiven each other yet"
Is this true?
First off I'd like to know if you will not go to heaven if people do not forgive you for things?
If so...I'd better get offline and start apologizing to anyone who has ever done karaoke with me.
Second off: This little girl is really good with guilt.