My little blog

Some thoughts that I have from time to time:

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

When I was in the fifth grade I wanted to be Dolly Madison in the school play of the "Constitution".
I wanted it for three reasons
1. She was the only girl in the play.
2. She had the best costume...naturally since everyone else had to dress up as boys.
3. She had a kick ass speach about women being able vote that tore the house down.

I remember preparing for the audition by saying the speech over and over again in my room. Making sure I knew it backwards and forwards so that when I got up there I could say "no one knew it better than me".
When audition day arrived I stood up in front of everyone and read my part as if Dolly Madison was this day's Scarlett O'Hara...I had no idea who Dolly Madison really was but figured she must have been awesome if she was the only girl.

When I finished my speech with the last line:
"and FINALLY women had the right to vote". Put my head down to signify that the scene was over and waited.
Everyone applauded and the Assistant Principal (who at the time was acting as the casting director) stood up and said "Well, it seems we have a little Jodie Foster on our hands".


I was acting like DOLLY MADISON...not JODIE FOSTER.
This confused me for a good day or so, until my mother explained that she meant it as a compliment.
Needless to say, I got the part. I wore an awesome outfit and I tore the house down...I even got over my disatisfaction with the Assistant Principle.

I have an audition tomorrow that I am excited about.
I'm goin in just to come out saying... "No one knew it better than me".


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