My little blog

Some thoughts that I have from time to time:

Friday, March 02, 2007

Went to the doctor yesterday, and she told me that I needed to start paying attention to what I eat. She said that I am gaining weight and in order to stop I need to "eat healthy, stop drinking sodas, and give up carbs".
I know what you are thinking...Waa waa waa. Another blog about a girl on a diet.
Well, this is like being told that my voice is broken and I can't speak anymore.
I'm obsessed with chicken wings, bagels, pizza, pasta, and coke.
And these things...I guess are what causing my legs to get "thicker".
So in an effort to get less thick, I went to whole foods at lunch and ordered brown rice sushi and bought rice cakes.
The one good thing about eating healthy is that gummy bears are fat free.
Maybe I'll go on a gummi bear diet.
I love gummi bears.
Ooooo is there such a thing as healthy buffalo wings?
We'll see how this whole "super healthy" lifestyle is on my bod. I'm gonna give it a couple weeks.

Anyone down to hit up Atomic wings with a pack of haribo frogs?


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