My little blog

Some thoughts that I have from time to time:

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Once when I was younger, let's say age 6 or 7....I was getting off the school bus, and one of the boys who I went to school with (Chris Spicer) asked me to play a game with him.
He then jumped on me and said "I'm going to hump you".
I was not sure what this meant and said "okay, but then what do I do?"
He said "just lay there, act like you are sleeping".

My mom came up and grabbed him by the over.

The boy was just as clueless as I was, so this is not some terrible story of lost innocence.
It's interesting to me because I just remembered this twenty years later, and I think it's funny that he thought I should just lay there...HOW BORING.


At 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason would have been so jealous!

Got your email and did what any other nosy person would do and Googled your name. And now I'm reading your blog. I'm happy to find you're the same old Amanda.


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